an INF Section
In addition
to queueing file operations individually, you can also queue all the files
listed in an INF section.
You can queue
all the files listed in a Copy Files94WX0. section of an INF file by calling SetupQueueCopySection7NVFWM. For this function to be
successful, the Copy Files section must be in the proper format and the
INF file, or one of its appended files, must contain the SourceDisksFiles3.PG0KP and SourceDisksNames8OLI7ZO sections.
Similarly, if
you want to delete all the files specified in a Delete Files.O07.L section of an INF file, you
can call SetupQueueDeleteSection2MSUY4C. To rename all the files in a Rename Files2LKG_AQ section of an INF file use